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Quotes about genes, page 20

Is that creator in you?

Let their sun rise to them from our west,
Let the doubtful ignorance be cleared as the mist,
Let the program on every chip be our tips,
Let our people wake up in pleasant hand shake.

The old civilizations and new world in Pacific Ocean,
The same old genes of first generation peaceful human,
The chart of nomenclature with variant faith, dream and color,
under the great grand name of Human, the creator.

The creator of the fire for the food,
The creator of tools for the growth,
The creator of mechanics for the transport,
The creator of electricity for the comfort,
The creator of magnificent diodes,
The creator of tiny humble chips,
The creator of laptop and internet,
The creator of wars based on faith,
The creator of ignorance,
To destroy all these intelligence.

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Life’s Pearl Of Wisdom

Here and there in oysters fall
A single grain of sand
Producing later a lustrous ball
In a fisher man’s hand

Attacking the sand found inside
Through membranes twisting round
Turning, spinning seeking to hide
This foreign body found

When anti bodies cease to curl
When no more a threat
The oyster may reveal a pearl
A necklace to beset

Let’s think the pearl now if we can
As a coat around a child
A simile to The Son of man
Through whom one’s reconciled

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U Turns of Life

I have become an aggregator
A few years ago, but after retirement.Started
As I recall when I went from home in Bandra,
To south Mumbai, I would try to think of
Every other thing to be done, and list it.
It began with one timebound thing
Say file data with CA for IT return
Then why not buy that book in the Strand
Take some passport photographs in the Asiatic
Opposite Churchgae, buy a DVD in Rhythm House,
Give watch for repair, buy pair of missing
Brown socks, and so on.

This leads to forgetting some,
And then to doubt about memory,
Onset of Alzheimers, or fear of Parkinson
Genes from Papa.

Now I am in a 'disaggregating' spiral
Dont want to link up one to the other

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The Role of Soul and Body

The soul and body are integrated
Who governs one’s ego, desire and traits?
Are genes the seat of the soul or body?
Who commits sins and perform virtues?
Who experiences the joy and sorrow?

It is not the soul alone that does them.
It is not the body alone that does them.
Soul and body together manifest
Like the flame and candle together burn.

The struggle of the internal force with
The external force is what we call life.
Our prayers and sacrifices have no sway.
Both are independent and unconcerned.

To sum up, there is only single soul
That runs through the entire living kingdom.
It never dies nor is born with deaths and births.
Its growth is bound by the external force.

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The role of soul and body.

The soul and body are integrated
Who governs one’s ego, desire and traits?
Are genes the seat of the soul or body?
Who commits sins and perform virtues?
Who experiences the joy and sorrow?

It is not the soul alone that does them.
It is not the body alone that does them.
Soul and body together manifest
Like the flame and candle together burn.

The struggle of the internal force with
The external force is what we call life.
Our prayers and sacrifices have no sway.
Forces are independent and unconcerned.

To sum up, there is only single soul
That runs through the entire living kingdom.
It never dies nor is born with deaths and births.
Its growth is bound by the external force.

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A Mother Does Not

A mother does not raise her child for to fight and die in war
Or to kill another Human Being in a Country from home far
That her son or her daughter should at someone else shoot to kill
A person they have never known or who have never bore them ill.

Picasso's 'Screaming Woman' is for all woman kind
The mother weeps for her dead child with grief 'out of her mind'
Mothers do not raise their children for to be remembered on War Memorial Day
For to fight in war for war mongering non combatants and throw their lives away

A mother raises her son or daughter so her seed of life will live on
That her genes will still be around when she herself has gone
From the World of the living to be numbered amongst the dead
I wish for my children to outlive me that's what the mother said.

A mother does not raise her child for to meet with an early death
Not for her War Memorial Day or the words 'Lest we forget'
She wants her son and daughter for to grow old and gray
And she does not wish to hear of War and War Memorial Day.

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Portrait Of A Poet

The poet looked at what he wrote,
The rhythm and the rhyme
And of each error he took note,
Correcting each in time...
His diligence was his best friend,
It helped him to relay
The English most could comprehend
So that they wouldn't stray...

The poet counted syllables,
Eight, six, eight, six each verse,
For these obeyed his rhyming rules
And helped him to rehearse...
You see, he spoke the lines out loud,
As if the Lord to hear,
As if to make his Father proud,
With diction crystal clear...

The poet shed a tear at last,
Because his work was done,

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Songs Sing 05/11/2009

I love my family, I love my kids, I love
seeing their faces and hearing their
voices and holding them

I love hubby and all his schemes and
his plans for improvement and the way
he forgives

I love my mother and her hare-brained
ideas, I love my father and his notes
and his songs

I love my sister and her belligerence, I
love my poet friend who creates dreams
fragile and sweet

I love my colleagues who work so valiantly
design new forms and always help me to
conquer my fears

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Wislawa Szymborska

Children of Our Age

We are children of our age,
it's a political age.

All day long, all through the night,
all affairs--yours, ours, theirs--
are political affairs.

Whether you like it or not,
your genes have a political past,
your skin, a political cast,
your eyes, a political slant.

Whatever you say reverberates,
whatever you don't say speaks for itself.
So either way you're talking politics.

Even when you take to the woods,
you're taking political steps
on political grounds.

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Pride Prevents Progress

There is one God Creator Who controls the Universe
No matter what you call Him when you worship or converse Material images by man will Holy God insult
He is not in the works of man or in a human cult God made the planets and controls the endless outer space
God made the many genes deciding every human race God can be seen in everything the human cannot do
Produce a seed, a mighty tree, a tiny bird egg too Because God "Mighty Spirit" wanted to communicate
He came to earth to talk with people all about their fate So God would need a human to convey to man His Plan
God Spirit chose to come to earth to walk and talk with man- But sinful man and Holy God are not compatible
Atonements made by humankind are not acceptable God Only could provide for man a Sacrifice for sin
One worthy of a Holy God, Blood cleansing from within God's Love provided righteous Blood, His Son the Righteous One
By Virgin birth all prophecies were fulfilled by God's Son God now can walk and talk with man possessed with Spirit God
Who listens when God's Word speaks by Messiah: Christ and Lord.

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