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Quotes about puzzle, page 23

To Dream or Not to Dream - Acrostic Sonnet

The spiral staircase leading down to dreams ~
Or is it up if there be “up” at all ~
Defines its own dimensions’ rise and fall,
Rephrasing day’s experience which gleams
Endlessly recyclying key-word themes
As this is magnified, or that made small.
Masks ~ common to the day ~ at night may fall.
Once shed, greet picture puzzle pattern schemes
Recording strange perceptions as light beams
Now here, now there, preparing waking call, ~
Options spurned, or choices learned withal ~
To tear sleep’s shawl, converting links. It seems
TO dream provides the oil that may inspire
DREAMs new to spin enquiring spirit higher.

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My Being Permeates

My conversion permeates through my being,
Solipsism shall be the thought for me;
Drooping from an attitude of cool nature,
The self is a puzzle for my own creation.
Like having arches of a door,
This self creates joy and dislike.
The real movement of this crazy life
Distends a wound on the readiness of souls.

My concerns are like the doorways,
Encyclical objects of thought.
The birth of bipeds resumes from the fore,
Their legs dangle once we are born.
In these gymnastics is an insolence,
One of the resonant sounds that apologize.
The captain of capsizing is afoot,
And the straddled human rights command a league.

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Man - A Macrocosm Of Nature's Intelligence

this hair
on its own
is no life

this stone
on the floor
is no life

the air on
the wind
is no life

let it steal
into the man
and the plant

a whole world
starts to churn

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Sonnet: Lost & Overwhelmed

Overwhelmed with emotions, sobs with no tears
Can’t understand where to go from here
Confused I am in every aspect of life
Lost with no map, dark with no light

Alone in the world but surrounded by people
Screaming in silence fearing the evil
I hold on to hope but I am losing my grip
Hung over with life and still taking a sip

I am lost in this life and tomorrow will be worse
I don’t know what to do, I am lost I am cursed
Lost in my thoughts solving the puzzle
Lost in myself while holding the muzzle

Laughing, smiling, happy for now trying not to offend
I don’t know where to go from here I'm at the very end

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Bit By Bit

Bit by bit, piece by piece
I shall put this puzzle together.
It will distract my mind
and as I find a piece
that fits, I marvel
that anything so exacting
can be so distracting.

I do not think of cares and woes.
They've taken flight for now.
I think of what is in my hand
and where it will fit somehow.
As I hesitate to finish
for then I must perform

all those perfunctory duties,
routinely as I move.
I try again to fit into this world,
fit into the groove.
Bit by bit, piece by piece

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Shred the evidence. Tear it to bits.
Make it a puzzle so nothing fits.
Do whatever you have to do
so the finger doesn't point at you.

Isn't that what we see at the top?
It's what they do. It doesn't stop.
The higher up you go the worse it becomes.
These sleazy characters are just the crumbs

that are left scattered all around
as the walls of justice fall to the ground.
And what of the victims that are the prey.
In their situation do they have any say?

We hear these horror stories and don't understand
why so many higher-ups had their head in the sand.
I say just follow the money-trail.
There's where the truth will be without fail.

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The world is one typographical error

It's like a puzzle,
poet and time.
Where one used to balance the square,
another now circles.
Like a carrion bird,
he survives, in the bomb craters,
and sideways alleys.
A new age brings a new type,
profundity and perfuctory,
or a paroxism and paradigm.
hand in the others coat,
to keep fresh, to keep warm
What one has built and abandoned,
the new poet destroys to feeds on.
Nothing is eternal
Its allways being proof read.
The world is one typographical error,
In time, his fingers, crane-like and hungry,
inconsistently try to correct.
But every language has its soul,

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Progress expresses courage, leaves behind
All unhappiness as heart can start
Making up time lost. Each puzzle part
Eases into place within the mind, -
Light the touch, much tension may unwind
Allowing scope for hope, new worlds to chart.
Problems solved, and walls dissolved with art,
Augur pastures green, set scene to find
Magic harbour safe, serene, assigned, -
Excluding pressures in a world apart.
Life takes on fresh colours à la carte
And offers fair reflection unconfined.

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4 U

my day is over
i will not die, i shall take my rest
i will brush my teeth
and check my face
about the suspicion of another wrinkle
of another white lock of hair
or another loss of
a beard
or an encroachment of more
hairless forehead to the
center of my head
i have no fear of these changes now
that my day is over
i am anticipating a mellowed self
one that makes a sigh
and care for nothing less and
nothing more
something perhaps that will give
the excitement of a riddle
a puzzle

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And I Lust

And I lust
lust for feeling
As I watch it crumble to dust
And stand in its majestic ruin

Readily do I sit in solitude weeping
Grieving the severance of my hopes
Without ever speaking of how I
Claw open the eyes of those dreaming

As I lust
lust for meaning
And watch as it turn to dusk
Standing around its majestic ruin

Verily have I been broken
Inevitable that it should happen again
But have I not also spoken
Words to the effect of causing an end

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