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Quotes about leaf, page 25

Fading Shades of Gray

An autumn leaf descends toward a fire—
Slowly, like a feather in the soft wind.
Dehydrated, its orange body is crisp
And brittle enough to crumble in hand.
In the past few weeks, the branches above
Have grown barren—so quickly they have thinned—
And the brisk air has become harsh and cold
As if to say nature's warmth must expire.
What was once green covers in the thick smoke
That pillows up from the crackling land.
The smolder of time takes each fading shade.
Orange becomes red and black edges expand
‘Til the veins flow gray. The leaf, ashen-skinned,
Becomes the dust of seasons to transpire.

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A Poem In Visible Darkness

Your love stirs my body
Tender-leaf-body nods
To the balmy sensuous breath
Blown on the nape
In this wilderness I’m enclosed in
I searched for your heart beat
There’s hidden
Your touch
Your love
The colour of earth under my feet
Turned from brown to red;
I was blushing in anticipation
I quickly looked around for a niche
Where we might fold into each other
Where a bird didn’t quiver
Where a leaf didn’t stir
Where on the sky the last star too
Slipped into sleep…

There there I wish to remain

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The larvae

the larvae
it has grown
shed its ugly days
crept out of dried brown leaf
in a lovely batik
to start a princely life
crowned with two wings
it has flown high into the sky
as if to announce its glory
it now has honey as food
and flowers as friends
never once in its larvae days
it has thought life would turn out
to be so grand
the man too has grown, shrivelled
and passed away
leaving a world of colourful imagination
as to its existence beyond
perhaps he too now lives a grand life
somewhere.... in a garden

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A Falling Leaf

Today a leaf came down to greet me
Falling gently on a breeze
With intentions to remind me
Of the things I must release

Nature teaches of life's cycles
When to cling and when to fall
There is a time for every season
And solace if we hear the call

But letting go is not se easy
We may need more than just a breeze
Graceful falling takes some practice
And a lesson from the trees

This human mind is often yearning
For some past or future day
But opening to present stillness
Allows a more fulfilling way

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I praise you because
you are artist and scientist
in one. When I am somewhat
fearful of your power,
your ability to work miracles
with a set-square, I hear
you murmuring to yourself
in a notation Beethoven
dreamed of but never achieved.
You run off your scales of
rain water and sea water, play
the chords of the morning
and evening light, sculpture
with shadow, join together leaf
by leaf, when spring
comes, the stanzas of
an immense poem. You speak
all languages and none,
answering our most complex
prayers with the simplicity

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Sonnet IV

To prink me up, and make me higher placed,
All came too late that tarried any time;
Piles of provision pleased not my taste,
They made my heels too heavy for to climb.
Methought it best that boughs of boistrous oak
Should first be shread to make my feathers gay,
Till at the last a deadly dinting stroke
Brought down the bulk with edgetools of decay.
Of every farm I then let fly a leaf
To feed the purse that paid for peevishnesss,
Till rent and all were fallen in such disease,
As scarce could serve to maintain cleanliness;
They bought the body, fine, farm, leaf, and land;
All were too little for the merchant's hand.

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A single season of life
Borne of spring’s dew, released on fall’s winds
Great oak’s life running through its veins
To the forest, a gift of motion and color

Great tree, expanding out, gripping its earth
Dancing slowly in the currents of time
In an instant, illusions of stillness

Basking in brilliant sunshine
Flowing feathers in the music of the night
Silt carried by water
Returning to roots once more

Trunk, branches, ever thinner, expansive
Ever softer, edges of fragility
Branches holding mirrors for tree’s image

From the tree, our image of leaf
From the leaf, our image of tree

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The Power Of Repetitions

repetitions, you say are
reinforcements, a promise that
there shall be no forgetting between the stalk and the leaf
once upon a tree.

there is this river that runs through us
and i am at the other side of the bank
you do not see me
alone, am i as usual without the song

i gaze upon the leaf and the stalk
i cut across barks
i rub the knife and sculpt the pain
reshaping it for something so practical and
like a statue of the town god
that i everyday
worship purposely to erase the pain
to numb the nerves

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A Butterflys Life

A butterfly flutters
its wings of delight
in the soft gentel breeze
it flickers to life
its colours like rainbows
flash briefly for a day
in fields full of colours
they spread wings
and fly away
they hover in midflight
it finds its mate for life
and they become one
in the midsummer sun
then together they climb
dazzling, turning
Ecstasy of delight
climaxing on high
impregnating new life
then finding a leaf
to lay down their eggs

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Rabindranath Tagore


Light, my light, the world-filling light,
the eye-kissing light,
heart-sweetening light!

Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the center of my life;
the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love;
the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.

The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light.
Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.

The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling,
and it scatters gems in profusion.

Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling,
and gladness without measure.
The heaven's river has drowned its banks
and the flood of joy is abroad.

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