Quotes about leaf, page 29
Sound Of The Beating Heart!
we spend lifetimes searching
for the sound the leaf makes
turning from green to orange to red...
we spend our loving burning branches
in the shadow of the tree.
we spend our faith trying to capture,
and hold the wind for a moment...
never knowing that what we search for
is only our own being!
we are the leaf, the branches, the fire,
the tree, and the wind...
the sound, the loving, and the faith.
and yet we are nothing.
we are but a moment,
familiar taste and scent.
we are eternity,
the breath of an unknown god.
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poem by Eric Cockrell
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Each of us like you
has died once,
has passed through drift of wood-leaves,
cracked and bent
and tortured and unbent
in the winter-frost,
the burnt into gold points,
lighted afresh,
crisp amber, scales of gold-leaf,
gold turned and re-welded
in the sun;
each of us like you
has died once,
each of us has crossed an old wood-path
and found the winter-leaves
so golden in the sun-fire
that even the live wood-flowers
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poem by Hilda Doolittle
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Leap of Faith
every faith holds every minute, hoping to gain
the last experienced of searching peace of
the entangled mind the tranquility of one self
forward as you go, direct what goes ahead,
willed that you can do and learn the painful
experiences what the spirit passed
leave nothing, but care that in every steps you
walk the thorny path belongs to you and the
prize leaves no winner to conquer the salvation
you waited for, always remember that all are
just a beginning to live in eternity of your
every leaf over shadow suffering, for in pain
you attain the wisdom of God in your own
soul; for the true and genuine heart likes to
bring back the real meaning of your existence
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poem by Antonio Liao
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Under the weather...
Under the weather
Down low
Beneath the ground
Water, mud, rain…
Soon I'll be gone
With the sand
In the wind
Sunny side up
Not so sunny
So I walk
Or is it mope?
I mope around
Away from the day
Escaping the sun's ray
Or is it a dark cloud?
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poem by Lynn El Amine
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Dear friends, who read the world aright,
And in its common forms discern
A beauty and a harmony
The many never learn!
Kindred in soul of him who found
In simple flower and leaf and stone
The impulse of the sweetest lays
Our Saxon tongue has known,--
Accept this record of a life
As sweet and pure, as calm and good,
As a long day of blandest June
In green field and in wood.
How welcome to our ears, long pained
By strife of sect and party noise,
The brook-like murmur of his song
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poem by John Greenleaf Whittier
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A dance?
a dance?
a candle flame
faint breeze
to and fro
to and fro
the autumn leaf
twists, twists
on a twig
eve of separation
lovers refusing
each other go
red and brown maple
swirl in unison
beat their last drum
then let themselves
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poem by John Tiong Chunghoo
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Dry leaf [Foaia veştedă]
Wind has brought me to the window
A dry leaf with its strong breath –
It's a letter without cover
Sent to me by the grim death.
I shall keep it, I shall lay it
Near those sheets upon the stand,
Which I once received with pleasure
From my lover's tender hand.
As the tree forgets its dry leaf
Which on wind floats like a boat,
She may have forgotten all these
Yellow sheets on which she wrote.
And the words of this flirtation,
Which is dead, watch me with strife,
They were proved to be deceptive
I demand to end their life.
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poem by Mihai Eminescu, translated by Octavian Cocoş
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Out Of Reach!
The playful tiger watched the leaves
That fell from yonder tree
And while that nothing yet achieves,
His eyes lit up with glee...
So on his belly he crept close,
For just one leaf to catch,
With whiskers trembling by his nose
At plans he hoped to hatch...
Advancing forward yard-by-yard,
Eyes tilted skyward now,
He squinted, focussing quite hard,
With furrows on his brow...
Though in his mind he saw a bird
For every leaf that fell,
His error hadn't yet occurred,
He simply couldn't tell...
Then suddenly he leapt quite high!
Though somewhat overweight!
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poem by Denis Martindale
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Ars Poetica
HOW CAN i tell you something that i do not want to tell you?
how can i let you hear my voice without me uttering a single syllable?
how can i tell you know what i feel and yet
deep within my heart, i wish you do not know a single pulse
of blood in my veins?
HOw can i be so loving to you, and yet show you that i do not care at all?
How can i be in so much pain and then
you do not feel the salt of my tears?
How can i say and yet say not?
How can i be myself and be without you on my side?
how can a snail be a snail without a leaf to stay upon?
HOw can i pretend to be a cloud and you
my leaf, my flower
as nothing but a land without a river?
how can i be so confused amidst the certainties of my life?
this luxury in poverty? This pain covered with white icing?
this sweetness deep within
the lumps of sorrow?
understand and not understand at the same time?
to go and to stay.
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poem by Ric S. Bastasa
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Our Garden Of Eden
If something was there, I would undertake a walk
However long or arduous. I wouldn’t e’er balk
In search of a poet like you so romantic
For I believe in your pen, as it’s authentic
Minds have married and hearts have cooed, wooed and whispered
A walk shoulder to shoulder will have well inspired
A romantic epic with values redefined
For you and me to eagerly seek out and find
A garden of Eden with a blissful bower
No taboos, no barriers, no sins to cower
You and I will have nothing on in us between
Nothing, not even a leaf, believe me, my queen
Let the trees and bushes have on them every leaf
So that we can cool our heat in their unlit shade
And regain our warmth by high rocking and rolling
Then crooning, cuddling, fondling, necking and pecking
Let’s become one in body and soul with naïf
Our intercourse, a synergic Elysian grade
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poem by AtreyaSarma Uppaluri
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