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Quotes about puzzle, page 29


God why? why?
Why me God.
The bitter voice of turmoil
A show of dissatisfaction,
A complement of affection,
A loneliness sensation,

Why, why God?
are whys to a faithful God,
The Lord we all know,
in times of harvest and in snow,
with tears and with smile,
from him we get food to grow,
Yes, but why is it so?

Yeah, but why?
Is my prayer of bad intent?
Am I not any patient?
Have I failled a commitment?
We puzzle ourselves in the dark,

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The Unemployed

It was dark when I got home
Back from another frustrating day of job hunting
My wife was in the kitchen preparing tea
I could hear soccer fans on TV.

I had tea in silence;
Presence lost to one of those frustrating days
of present and clear danger,
redundancies, unemployment, credit crunch…
what a wasted day; I thought,
I could feel my wife watching me through my minds eye
Reading all the frustration through the lines on my fore head.

Things will be fine', she said;
I know', I mumbled
Honestly, I don’t

I finished my tea,
Hustled my used frame to the kitchen to wash up
As the house rules stipulates

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It's The Reasons Why I Love You

It's the whisper of your voice
It's the warmth of your touch
It's just so many little things
Make me love you oh so much

It's the way that you'll support me
It's sincere loving in motion
It's the way in which you'll always care
And show me such devotion

It's the way your lips kiss mine
Fills me with desire
It's the way you always hold me
Warmth with passionate flames of fire

It's the way your eyes will shine
When you looking towards me
It's lost with you forever
It's where i want to be

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I only fly to carve a scar,
to mark your name on moon's surface,
this pain herein my heart so marred,
comes from a love I can't retrace

oh fleeting thought, your face within,
casts me in awe of foul dismay,
a lost puzzle in burgundy,
false reality in portray

the distant moon which seems to cry
in our precious 'valse de la lune',
when only for you so stain I,
the tender countenance of the moon

as these heavy wings soar sn high,
shape the moon face into yours
as sharp as blades that these wings are,
tainting the sky with my remorse

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To Death...

death is not a surprise
when it comes, one feels the coming
inside the heart

you must have heard people
telling you a language that lands beyond the moment
the one that you understand
the moment you arrive there

it is that..
because they know, they speak
and because you find it hard to accept
they utter it in such a way that for now you shall not figure it out
a puzzle that seems to have an answer
at that point
when they have all been gone
without having to tell you

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O Myriad Stars Hanging In Heavens!

O..myriad stars hanging in heavens !
I shed tears for you!

At nights you give out your all
to sprinkle your meagre lights
and faintly speak in lonely hours!

What use is of your spoonfuls of light
scarce even to illumine your homes?

At inconceivable distances
in infinite numbers
you bloom in mind-boggling sizes
to shower your grandeur!

In such an absolute mess
how to relish your beauty I puzzle!

Each one majestic and mighty more
than our smallest 'sun'!

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A Biography Of One Man's Destiny

Destiny hopefully knocks on our door at the right time
because I know I missed the train and forgotten my ticket
when it has tried to give me a chance
I have become ecstatic and full of light
ever since destiny came together
like a puzzle

I had the box and the pieces in my possession
but I guess it took a little bit of time
because I over think
I over analyze

I have this unbeatable streak
of missing destiny's knock on the door
Well finally I answered and
everything is coming together

No missing pieces no bent
or child manipulated pieces
Just a brand new box with

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Corella agitates and Redback spins.
Inspector Numbat eyes them with distrust.
Rosella whistles tunes and Dingo grins;
Companions round the billabong at dusk.
Unearthing plots and sifting dirt for clues,
Mendacious Emu's trouble-making trails,
Surveilling Wallaby's tracks and Kangaroo's,
The keen Inspector's always on their tails.
And Wombat's buried many past misdeeds.
'Not guilty', lies Koala, looking sweet.
The Inspector knows the only thing he needs
Is one last puzzle piece to make complete.
Although he's got the culprits nailed this time,
Lamentably, he's not yet found the crime.

Spurs and silt,
Platypus glides.

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Do Exactly

Of wisdom, knowledge and understanding;
Of peace, love and care;
Of power, beauty and kindness;
We have the spirit of truth and the spirit of error!
So do not be a lair to your friends.

Dance exactly as he danced and,
Do not follow that which is evil;
Learn exactly as he learnt and,
be very strong like the palm tree;
For this world is getting worse all the time.

Greedy dogs!
They lie to the people;
So do write out exactly as he wrote,
For the truth is always the truth.

Of a great plan,
Of a great puzzle,
It is getting worse all the time with the world;

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The Government and the Insurance Companies

You teachers and the gentle folks
don't smoke like giants and drink as hogs.
Hide these facts when you insure
but your autopsies tonsure.
Your heirs are squeezed to live as dogs.

Non-disclosure of facts result in loss of your money
and the insurers lie in wait to lick this honey.
The government blame the agents as if the policies they mis-sell
but they are in hand in glove with the companies to puzzle,
saying as they had breached the duty of utmost good faith;
the companies deny claims making comments blithe.

To get the dues, the nominees have to wait at the Customer Care,
then the Consumer's Forum and the Ombudsman next
and then the IRDA and finally the Court, hand in hand with the agent.
For every ten thousand the agent gets
a thousand as income tax, the Coffers wets,
besides the Service Tax for winking at these atrocities.

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