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Quotes about cara, page 3

The Physics of Attraction

The teacher assigned us
A page on tangents
And told us to draw lines
That connected at just one point

It made me think of your lips
Brushing against mine just once
And the lines you drew later
To make sure we never connected again

My lines were all curved
So my acceleration graph looked
Like a ragged heart monitor
I wrote a note at the bottom, to my teacher or to you
'The laws of physics still don't explain me.'

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Warna Cinta

Aku terdiam terhenti
Tenggelam di dalam sepi
Dan ku bermimpi

Pasti kudapat kembali
Pengganti yang telah pergi
Dan ku mengerti

Meski kubuang semua
Segala rasa di dada
Semakin tertinggal hampa
Yang menekan jiwa

Meski kututup semua
Kenangan tersisa
Semakin ku lupa cara

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From Far Away: Jeida's Speech

Dunia ini luas
Bermacam-macam orang hidup dengan memegang cara pikirnya masing-masing
Di tempat yang tidak diketahui
Aku adalah bagian darinya juga
Aku dulu bermaksud menjalankan dunia seorang diri
Aku benar, tapi entah kenapa tak bisa menjalankan apa yang aku inginkan
Aku pernah hidup dalam kerisauan dan ratap tangis
Tapi mungkin karena aku dulu seperti ingin memasangkan dunia yang luas ini ke dalam bingkai yang kecil yaitu aku
Beban di pundakku telah kulepaskan
Sekarang aku akan mencari peranku sendiri
Tanpa tergesa-gesa, tanpa ambisi
Dengan santai
Sambil menjejakkan kaki di tanah

from kanata kara

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Chi È?

When for a buonamano
Cometh, at break of day,
Knock at the terzo piano,
A little voice answers, Chi è?
``I, the facchino, awaiting
The bounty of cara lei.''
She droppeth a paul through the grating,
And silently steals away.

When, with a long low mumble
Of lips that appear to pray,
There cometh a knock-so humble-
The little voice answers, Chi è?
``I, the poor monk.'' Just a little
She opens, but nought doth say;
Gives him baiocchi or victual,
And silently steals away.

But when, as the shadows longer
Stretch half athwart the way,

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Jangan maksa

Jangan maksa cuma keinginan kita
Kalau kamu juga tidak mau dipaksa-paksa
Jangan maksa bersikap ceria
Kalau sedang tak ingin tertawa
Jangan maksa ngebut di jalan raya
Kalau nantinya malah celaka
Jangan maksa kelihatan kaya
Kalau hanya untuk gaya

Jangan maksa apa pun juga
Karena hasilnya pasti sia-sia
Jangan maksa tentang rasa suka
Karena cinta datang dengan rela
Jangan maksa tetap menderita
Karena hati bisa lebih keras dari baja
Jangan maksa tapi tanpa usaha
Karena keberuntungan bukan cara

Jangan maksa semua harus sempurna
Yang penting bermakna dan berguna

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A Lament

Horace: Book II, Elegy 8

"Eripitur nobis iam pridem cara puella---"

While she I loved is being torn
From arms that held her many years,
Dost thou regard me, friend, with scorn,
Or seek to check my tears?

Bitter the hatred for a jilt,
And hot the hates of Eros are;
My hatred, slay me as thou wilt,
For thee'd be gentler far.

Can I endure that she recline
Upon another's arm? Shall they
No longer call that lady "mine"
Who "mine" was yesterday?

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~You're Dead Because Of Me~

At times it may seem
That living life is to hard,
Mybody cries and screams
And my trust has been scarred
I'm sick of living but what else can I do
Perhaps suicide?
Everything would be better if I died
But what if I died where would I go?
Would I finally see you?
After all these years,
Through all my tears,
Would I finally be with you?

I saw you going under, I saw your hand,
I saw you reach for me, but I didnt understand
I didnt understand, but now I do,
You were reaching for me,
To help you onto safety,
At the time i didn't see,
And now you're gone, because I didn't help you,

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Gioventu E Signoria

E GIOVINE il signore,
Ed ama molte cose,—
I canti, le rose,
La forza e l'amore.
Quel che più vuole
Ancor non osa:
Ahi più che il sole,
Più ch' ogni rosa,
La cara cosa,
Donna a gioire.
È giovine il signore,
Ed ama quelle cose
Che ardor dispose
In cuore all' amore.
Bella fanciulla,
Guardalo in viso;
Non mancar nulla,
Motto o sorriso;
Ma viso a viso
Guarda a gradire.

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A Madona Poesia (To My Lady of Poetry)

AQUI a tus pies lanzada, pecadora,
contra tu tierra azul, mi cara oscura,
tú, virgen entre ejércitos de palmas
que no encanecen como los humanos.

No me atrevo a mirar tus ojos puros
ni a tocarte la mano milagrosa;
miro hacia atrás y un río de lujurias
me ladra contra tí, sin Culpa Alzada.

Una pequeña rama verdecida
en tu orla pongo con humilde intento
de pecar menos, por tu fina gracia,

ya que vivir cortada de tu sombra
posible no me fue, que me cegaste
cuando nacida con tus hierros bravos.

---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

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Antonio Machado

El Crimen Fue En Granada


Se le vio, caminando entre fusiles,
por una calle larga,
salir al campo frío,
aún con estrellas, de la madrugada.
Mataron a Federico
cuando la luz asomaba.
El pelotón de verdugos
no osó mirarle la cara.
Todos cerraron los ojos;
rezaron: ¡ni Dios te salva!
Muerto cayó Federico.
-sangre en la frente y plomo en las entrañas-.
…Que fue en Granada el crimen
sabed -¡pobre Granada!-, en su Granada…


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