Quotes about puzzle, page 30
Melting With The Shadows Of The Trees
one tells me
i have only a few months to live.
will it bother me?
i only tell myself
everything is a possibility
dying is certain, so what's the heck?
i don't have any baggage
to carry,
neither do i have so many things to hide
or keep
and worry about them
as to who shall have them
she is worried about me
do i have emotions? am i numb as a rock?
i tell her, i am a cliff
i look beyond the sea,
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poem by Ric S. Bastasa
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Guitar On a Rainy Day
During a rainy day theres always something to do
some people get puzzles out
or whip out the Xbox and play COD 2
I play my guitar,
cause it makes me feel just right.
Heck I could play forever
morning, noon and night.
Cause playing makes me happy,
all relaxed and calm.
From hearing the beauty that I make
by plucking those sweet chords.
It's better than some Xbox,
easier than your puzzle games,
Boy I play my guitar,
cause one day it'll bring me fame
though I guess I wouldnt want that,
too much for one to take.
Sure it'd be nice to be recognised,
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poem by Rachel BaByBeAr Anderson
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Wrestle Them Out
this is the puzzle of the wrestle.
no, it is not the mortar and pestle.
not the usual metric matter, but something
beyond what your eyes can see,
a fusion and diffusion of arms and legs,
muscles and cartilages, you look for
the abdomen hidden by an abdomen,
there are no mouths, strictly no tongues,
but there are lots of fingers and toenails.
whose face is that? it is twisted.
Whose mouth is that? it is twitching.
whose faces faces whom? Butts
and bottoms. Could be robert's?
Could be ric's? Two bodies wrestling
fate. The stars bet their light. The moon
is awed. The night gets darker.
No one wants to go home. Everyone
is watching the wrestle. All flesh.
The pressure builds like a muscle.
My neck is bound by an elbow.
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poem by Ric S. Bastasa
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A Replica
You go down in the dry pool
foraging for the political errors,
irisprints, a certain desire of revolt,
any skeleton to identify the victim.
An awful claim, the accuser was becoming accused.
For namesake somebody was dying
unceremoniously for holding tuberculosis.
Dots did not help. Washed and dried curses
went into the background. There was a cease-fire
for sometime but the guns will start blazing
any day on fake pretexts.
The ending of pain or pain of ending begins.
The past was chasing, future uncertain, present
is ugly. Peahen likes the tail not the crown.
Peacock is on tree and on fire. Deflection
of sun marks the beginning of eclipse.
A word falls from a crossword puzzle, makes
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poem by Satish Verma
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My life is a puzzle that challenges the mastermind, and the
Love I feel for you is deeper than the well of silence…
When I look up into the sky, I see clouds obliterate the rays of the sun, though
You are the gentle breeze that blows those clouds away, as
You capture the rain, my tears- in your loving hands,
And transform them to dewdrops that glisten in
The sunshine at the dawning of each new day.
My soul dances inside of a stallion and inside of the exterior of a
Playful and innocent child, my heart weeps and trembles and
The voice of my spirit chortles although at times screams out in terror, but the
Voices that plague my troubled mind will not be silenced...
You are the brightest star of all of the constellations that shine upon
My dark world, and the gentle hand that wipes my tears away,
The jester that makes me laugh, and the song that moves me to tears…
poem by Claudia Krizay
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Unknown Journey
I travel through darkness in search of something what that is no clue have I what lies ahead in yonder fields leads me astray on the broken path of lonliness I follow under bright moon light and stars my only company in the black of night some where along the way lies the answers in which I seek but in which is like a puzzle with an infinite amount of clues but I only need one answer on a quest that has taken long and forever keep going keep marching onward for long as there is a beat in my heart I can do this for time is all but I have gone are times of happiness madness an anger for what replaces those are lonliness self faith a mystery I guess but all I can do is keep going farther into darkness and feel my heart beat and see star light twinkle and guide my way into the night and then afterwards answers will come to me as long as I keep ticking like a clock towards my destiny
poem by Dorian Suchelle
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Without you
The world sits still without you,
war's day's night's, season's,
without you I'm waiting for
something to do, when I realized
there's nothing, time passes me
by, 'I've always felt that' and
still it feels like there's so much
to do, sometimes I feel like
a little planet, that no one has
yet discovered; without you is
like missing a piece of the sky,
or the ocean, I feel like a puzzle
and the one piece missing is you.
Without you there's no hunger,
no thirst, without you my hands
no longer will write pastoral's to
the night, without you my eyes
will not gaze your charms again.
I cherish sweet love, thy lovely
argument of bloody tears, without
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poem by Elenushka Toledo
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Post-Mortem Life
Need necessitates not
learning reading absorbing
boring facts inflating trivia.
Retrack life highlighted
story. In surrealistic detailed...
distorted disjointed gloss segments.
Choreographed descriptive insignia.
Pieces presented
pervert logical coherent order...
meaning read
within doctored words
spells meaning
lacking missing pieces.
Forged jigsaw puzzle
force fitted incomplete.
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poem by Terence George Craddock
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I Never Knew All Along
You are the guy I been searching for
You like me for me
You change me in good way
I learn to eat healthy and exercise now
What surprising is that we have the same interests
We like same sport team, TV shows, smart, and athletic
I just love being around you
You have your good and bad moments
The ways you are in class make me have good time
You are different than any other guy I never met
You are unique, special, and amazing person I ever met
I understand things I was confused about
You are one fit right in puzzle
I'm glad I met you baby
I never knew all along
That you are the one
I miss what was right in front of me
I make excuses not to date you
I was shy, nervous and scared
I was afraid I say something stupid in front of you
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poem by Christina Phan
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These tremours of desire quake from within,
For lust is born before love can begin.
Desire for you has consumed my soul,
Only your embrace can make me whole...
My heartbeats pound against my chest,
Until you are mine there can be no rest.
With clever words and witty lines,
I set out on a quest to make you mine...
In your presence my thoughts are swimming,
Could this be the onset of a sublime beginning?
Unable to stand for my knees have gone weak,
I crave a release from the love that I seek...
Finally have I found my other puzzle piece?
The one who can give me a sublime release.
Are you the one who can fill my forever?
Take my scattered pieces and put them together...
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
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