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Quotes about grasp, page 46

Sorrow D'Crees

Sorrow D'Crees
By: Adam M. Snow

The night will be torn in twos,
And days stripped away,
And hearts shattered a thousand times,
By the alleviant of sorrow d'crees.

To wake and be no morrow.
To love and live, but not live to love.
A d'crees sought by woes of many;
A heart shadowed by a stillness clock,
By the foe of twenty men.

A dream stripped from a child's grasp,
Shattered by a hellish song
Sung by a acute sorrow,
By the likes of sorrow d'crees.

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We Cannot Go Back

You can never go back
to something you once had.
You may want to return,
but you cannot anymore.
The times you want back
are gone for evermore,
and only lie within your memory store.
All of us would like
to turn the clock back
every once and a while.
Grasp hold of something
locked in our previous years.
However, we cannot go back
no matter how much
we would dearly love to.
We can only go forward
find new things to do
and new memories make.

12 November 2009

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Youth And Death

What hast thou done to this dear friend of mine,
Thou cold, white, silent Stranger? From my hand
Her clasped hand slips to meet the grasp of thine;
Here eyes that flamed with love, at thy command
Stare stone-blank on blank air; her frozen heart
Forgets my presence. Teach me who thou art,
Vague shadow sliding 'twixt my friend and me.
I never saw thee till this sudden hour.
What secret door gave entrance unto thee?
What power in thine, o'ermastering Love's own power?

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I Need Not More!

i was born
of the wind and rain,
conceived by storm,
nursed by its path.
i hear the flute
that time ignores.
i dance in the smallness
of the tiny bud.
i pray like thunder
to a god that growls.
i wait in the silence
of the aftermath.
filled with the joy of survival,
and the weeping
of the mortal lost!
i am alive!
i celebrate the living.
i console the dead
with remembered moments.
i am nothing,

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To D

In thee I fondly hoped to clasp
A friend whom death alone could sever;
Till envy, with malignant grasp,
Detach'd thee from my breast for ever.

True, she has forced thee from my breast,
Yet in my heart thou keep'st thy seat;
There, there thine image still must rest,
Until that heart shall cease to beat.

And when the grave restored her dead,
When life again to dust is given,
On thy dear breast I'll lay my head--
Without thee where would be my heaven?

February 1803

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Dare to Live

Today might be the day you die.
So seize each opportunity
That’s offered you and don’t ask why
But grasp each moment eagerly.

Why vacillate and hesitate.
Waste time wondering if you should
You will regret when it’s too late.
You did not do it when you could

We all do things that we regret.
We have to make our own mistakes
Learn lessons that we won’t forget.
Experience is all it takes.

Take a chance do it today
Another chance won’t come your way.


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Poets’ Occupation

You insist on some occupations to grasp,
Yet lying has happened for some time.
The understanding is full, fulfilling us,
As men who bear the pains insist on us.

The warriors of controversy shake us
Around the jugular veins, where there is a deity;
The deity is wrong, fulfilling nobody
Just as skies are around to tempt.

May we insist on the men of old,
Poets who are strong and never gaining;
The ends of the story are folded
Into many chambers of the heart.

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Saving These Pennies of Love

I’m driving in the approaching-spring sunlight
Down an empty Sunday morning church street
And I’m dreaming of your face.

Sometimes this life
Feels like a thousand years of suffering,
But I’m going to count your every tear
And place them in my heart for safekeeping.

I will not go down to the grave
Without every day remembering your name
And what it means to me.

Love has mostly escaped me,
But I will not unclench my grasp
From what little I have touched.

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A Confession Of Love

He speaks with his most peculiar charm

To me as he speaks i fear no harm

For his words mean he will stay for a while

When everything he says brings me that smile

His grasp will last forever

For our bonds are together

Never will he let go

Through a friend or foe

[...] Read more

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Get A BIgger Boat

The way I feel at the current moment is not in good favor,
For tis someone of close relations,
Who has not lived up to good behavior.

Hoping to be in the thoughts of being wrong,

I can’t hope to grasp what lies around thy bend,
Thy bend in the river of happiness that feeds into the delta of love.

One can only see so far around this bend,
For once past the delta,
Ever eternally lies the ocean,

The ocean of sorrow.

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