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Quotes about longe, page 7

The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbour

The longë love that in my thought doth harbour
And in mine hert doth keep his residence,
Into my face presseth with bold pretence
And therein campeth, spreading his banner.
She that me learneth to love and suffer
And will that my trust and lustës negligence
Be rayned by reason, shame, and reverence,
With his hardiness taketh displeasure.
Wherewithall unto the hert's forest he fleeth,
Leaving his enterprise with pain and cry,
And there him hideth and not appeareth.
What may I do when my master feareth
But in the field with him to live and die?
For good is the life ending faithfully.

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Punch Line

I heard a word that knocked me down,
A right cross word that broke my heart,
Then an upper cut, sorely felt,
A shot below the belt.

You went back to your neutral corner,
I staggered to my feet,
My peek-a-boo style no longe an option,
Thinking, if I'm in Hell, it's a repeat.

I get short on hopes,
Falling through the ropes,
With the coming division,
Of a split decision.

You got to get inside to mix it up,
Take the punishment if you can,
The whole scene is hit and miss,
Words are hard to understand.

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That Is A Lot Of Nonsense

you kept on saying
i do not need you anymore
but deep within your heart
you still feel the same beating
equal fantacies
and you feel the love was not
gone but grew deeper
each moment he is out of your sight
that is a lot of nonsense
you shouted
over hills over dales
down to the deep blue sea
even wispered to the falling rain
i dp not need you anymore
you are no longe a part
of my solitary life
you make me sick
when the moment he walks away from your life
your world crumbled
your heart torn into fragment

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L’invariable buis et le cyprès constant
Bordent l’allée égale et le parterre où songe
Dans le bassin carré l’eau qui reflète et ronge
Un Triton fatigué de sa conque qu’il tend ;

En sa gaîne de pierre aussi l’hermès attend
Que tourne autour de lui son socle qui s’allonge ;
Un Pégase cabré, le pied pris dans sa longe,
Lève un sabot de bronze et gonfle un crin flottant.

L’heure est longue pour ceux qui, figés en statues,
Vol brisé, saut captif, dont les voix se sont tues,
Demeurent au jardin vaste et monumental ;

Et le Temps qui s’en va, hibou noir ou colombe,
Dessine au vieux cadran de pierre et de métal
Une aile d’ombre oblique où fuit le jour qui tombe.

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Geoffrey Chaucer

A Balade of Complaint

Compleyne ne koude, ne might myn herte never,
My peynes halve, ne what torment I have,
Though that I sholde in your presence ben ever,
Myn hertes lady, as wisly he me save
That Bountee made, and Beautee list to grave
In your persone, and bad hem bothe in-fere
Ever t'awayte, and ay be wher ye were.

As wisly he gye alle my joyes here
As I am youres, and to yow sad and trewe,
And ye, my lyf and cause of my gode chere,
And deeth also, whan ye my peynes newe,
My worldes joye, whom I wol serve and sewe,
Myn heven hool, and al my suffisaunce,
Whom for to serve is set al my plesaunce.

Beseching yow in my most humble wyse
T'accepte in worth this litel pore dyte,
And for my trouthe my servyce not despyse,
Myn observaunce eke have not in despyte,

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Partir, Pensar e Amar!

Partir para....
Pensar em......
Amar! ! ! Alguém!
Verbo poderoso esse;
não precisa de preposição.
Amar! Pronto.
Sem alguém, também pode.
Dizem que com alguém é melhor
Mas pode ser sozinho!
Ele cumpre bem o seu papel!
AMAR, só conjuga quando
Amar Alguém!
Não se pode amar aquilo, isso, esse......
Não se pode amar Meu, Teu, Nosso......
Só se pode AMAR Você! em Você, para Você
Aí pode!
Aí, combina!

Ciumento esse Verbo!

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Epigramma in Duos montes Amosclivum Et Bilboreum


Cernis ut ingenti distinguant limite campum
Montis Amos clivi Bilboreique juga!
Ille stat indomitus turritis undisque saxis:
Cingit huic laetum Fraximus alta Caput.
Illi petra minax rigidis cervicibus horret:
Huic quatiunt viridis lenia colla jubas.
Fulcit Atlanteo Rupes ea vertice coelos:
Collis at hic humeros subjicit Herculeos.
Hic ceu carceribus visum sylvaque coercet:
Ille Oculos alter dum quasi meta trahit.
Ille Giganteum surgit ceu Pelion Ossa:
Hic agit ut Pindi culmine Nympha choros.
Erectus, praeceps, salebrosus, & arduus ille:
Aeclivis, placidus, mollis, amoenus hic est.
Dissimilis Domino coiit Natura sub uno;
Farfaciaque tremunt sub ditione pares.
Dumque triumphanti terras perlabitur Axe,
Praeteriens aequa stringit utrumque Rota.

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When Ragyng Loue With Extreme Payne

When ragyng loue with extreme payne
Most cruelly distrains my hart:
When that my teares, as floudes of rayne,
Beare witnes of my wofull smart:
When sighes haue wasted so my breath,
That I lye at the poynte of death:

I call to minde the nauye greate,
That the Grekes brought to Troye towne:
And how the boysteous windes did beate
Their shyps, and rente their sayles adowne,
Till Agamemnons daughters bloode
Appeasde the goddes, that them withstode.

And how that in those ten yeres warre,
Full many a bloudye dede was done,
And many a lord, that came full farre,
There caught his bane (alas) to sone:
And many a good knight ouerronne,
Before the Grekes had Helene wonne.

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An hendy hap ichabbe yhent;
Ichot, from hevene it is me sent;
From alle wymmen mi loue is lent,
And lyght on Alysoun.

Bytuen{.e} Mersh and Averil,
When spray biginneth to spring{.e},
The lutel foul hath hir{.e} wyl
On hyr{.e} lud to syng{.e}.
Ich libbe in love longing{.e}
For semlokest of all{.e} thing{.e}.
He may me bliss{.e} bring{.e};
Icham in hire baundoun.

On heu hire her is fayr ynoh,
Hire brow{.e} broune, hire ey{.e} blak{.e};
With lossum chere he on me loh;
With middel smal, and wel ymak{.e}.
Bote he me woll{.e} to hire tak{.e},
Fort{.e} buen hire owen mak{.e},

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Gotham City (with english version)

Gotham City

Mas é preciso ser batman em gotham city,
É preciso ler gibi antigo e desfolhado,
Sendo morcego, não ser vampiro, ser beat,
Besouro caindo nos ouvidos deflorados.

Mas é preciso ser batman em gotham city,
Roncando o motor turbinado do bat-carro,
Gostar de Liszt, saber tudo e tudo cite!
Tomar copos de leite e não fumar cigarro!

Sendo o batman enfrento o coringa e o pingouin,
A sensual mulher gato que me arranha as pernas
E o peito e declara estranha paixão por mim!

Ter sempre ao meu lado um Robbin longe a tavernas;
É preciso ser batman em gothan city enfim,
Pra a luta ao som do rock, morar em caverna!

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