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Quotes about species, page 7

Charles Darwin

Owing to this struggle for life, any variation, however slight and from whatever cause proceeding, if it be in any degree profitable to an individual of any species, in its infinitely complex relations to other organic beings and to external nature, will tend to the preservation of that individual, and will generally be inherited by its offspring. The offspring, also, will thus have a better chance of surviving, for, of the many individuals of any species which are periodically born, but a small number can survive. I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection, in order to mark its relation to man's power of selection.

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Artist Nancy Waller

I remember hearing a voice,
"go down this road", was the first choice.
The road 42nd West, in south Minneapolis.
Great visual artist I would meet,
She drew endangered species detailed and neat.
Nancy Waller was her name,
She published booklets on endangered species
to help bring about awareness and change.
Melodie my doll, loved her most of all.
She went to her see her at the museum,
took photos with her that where very pleasing.
Melodie was happy for Nancy designed,
coloring books of Melodie just cute and fine.
Nancy got my books off to a great start,
she inspired me and has a pure heart.
Thank you Nancy for inspiration and passion too,
you're a great artist, through and through

Written by Suzae Chevailer on September 9,2011

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I Do Not Fear

I do not fear big cats or snakes or dangerous crocodile
Between where I live and they live are many a mile
Those I fear the most to me live very near
'Tis only my own species I need to fear.

I do not fear sharks or the dangerous hippo
To anywhere near where they live I never go
The species I fear most I see every day
I fear my own kind does that seem bold to say?

I do not fear venomous spiders though of them I beware
And I surely do not fear the feared polar bear
Since they live in the Artic that's far north of here
No 'tis only my own kind that I've reason to fear.

The elephant and the rhino in zoos I only see
They are not renowned killers they do not bother me
And why should I fear the dead or the dead person's ghost?
'Tis the living of my own kind that I do fear most.

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Engineered Evolution

Science is an art of the possible;
an art that will spearhead a new
human evolution; an engineered
evolution that will divide humans
into species rather than
black, white or brown.
Soon there will be a race to develop
the best humankind, a process
that will produce a thousand
and one kinds of human species
to marvel and terrorise us;
humans with eagle eyes and wings,
some with gills, others with
legs that run like cheetahs,
some with chlorophyll-covered bodies,
others with bodies that glow like a firefly,
some with dolphin-size brains,
others with lion-size hearts,
some with polar-bear fur,
others with body systems that can fight

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Abortions on the Increase

The world kills babies by the millions;
What cruel hearts could love to kill their own?
The babies killed are wholesome and healthy;
But Nature kills just those who can’t survive.

The right to life is baby’s basic right;
To kill a new-born babe is not correct;
God sees the tears of unborn babies all;
The God of life will punish those who kill.

The guilt of abortion can wreck one’s life;
Some mothers have committed suicide;
What insane minds dare kill their unborn kids?
Though maimed, some fetuses are born alive!

No species kills its own within the womb;
The right to life is prime for all species;
All parents rear their young ones though deformed;
But man alone kills babies though well-formed!

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Fishy Policies

do research
hide data
ignore facts

take no action

back in 2009
data from trawlers
from 46 countries

were sampled
scientifically sifted
labourishly researched

plus bonus
two global fisheries
tuna and shark fin

using long lines?

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Whom Do I Belong To?

Sometimes I wonder
If there is a better species than me
But I found after so much search and hard work
Human being is the supreme
Whom I belong to……..

Then how I could do the deeds
Which can be done by the lower species.
I have the great responsibility and duty
To uplift the human dignity
As I belong to the same community.

How could I believe in those ideas
Where my humanism is wishfully lowered?
I could not bow down to any thing, to any one
The planets, the stars, the moon and the sun
All are suppose to serve the purpose of mine

I have the intellect
I have the language

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John Steinbeck

I believe the great ones, Plato, Lao Tze, Buddha, Christ, Paul and the great Hebrew prophets are not remembered for negation or denial. Not that it is necessary to be remembered but there is one purpose in
writing I can see, beyond simply doing it interestingly. It is the duty of the writer to lift up, to extend, to encourage. If the written word has contributed anything at all to our developing species and our half developed culture, it is this: Great writing has been a staff to lean on, a mother to consult, a wisdom to pick up stumbling folly, a strength in weakness and a courage to support sick cowardice. And how any
negative or despairing approach can pretend to be literature I do not know. It is true that we are weak and sick and ugly and quarrelsome but if that is all we ever were, we would milleniums ago have disappeared from the face of the earth, and a few remnants of fossilized jaw bones, a few teeth in strata of limestone would be the only mark our species would have left on the earth.

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Nature's Feathered Gipsies

I envy them their unrestricted freedom they spend most of their time in the sky
Above the flatlands and valleys and mountains with so little effort they fly
All species of swallows are similar and they can be seen almost Worldwide
They can be seen above Villages, rural and coastal Towns and Cities and flying above the countryside
They glide through the sky with little effort in pusuit of their flying insect prey
To and fro and often in circles they travel hundreds of miles every day
From the cup shaped mud nest they were born in distance they do migrate far
For hours on end through the sky they travel at the average speed of a motor car
As an ally against aerial predators their speed happens to be their friend
And unlike many other bird species they do not have borders to defend
To watch them high above the valley their glossy dark wings gleaming in the sunlight
Is something that is fascinating one can say a marvellous sight
They are Nature's wild feathered gipsies they spend most of their short lives in the sky
And above oceans, mountains and valleys from Country to Country they fly.

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Adapt to writing on the wall,
respond, react not, and recall
that Nature tries to overturn
the status quo, so learn to spurn
rigidity which all in all loses touch with base.

Some species rise to swiftly fall,
lose ground to others, Nature's call
plays games with all as cycles turn,
return to nothingness and burn
idols which before Time's squall held pride of place.

Yet Nature's churning free-for-all
recuts Life's cards, acts to forestall
stagnation as new species learn
to thrive from niche advantage, earn
some space to find the wherewithal to old replace.

Observe the Himalayan wall
trace trilobites in steep Nepal

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