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Quotes about acquit

I did not hate the author of my misfortunes — truth and justice acquit me of that; I rather pitied the hard destiny to which he seemed condemned. But I thought with unspeakable loathing of those errors, in consequence of which every man is fated to be, more or less, the tyrant or the slave. I did not hate the author of my misfortunes — truth and justice acquit me of that; I rather pitied the hard destiny to which he seemed condemned. But I thought with unspeakable loathing of those errors, in consequence of which every man is fated to be, more or less, the tyrant or the slave.

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Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent one to death.

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Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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A bullet and justice

Scattered blood drops scrawled
A modern picture on the toilet walls.
Virginity and life bird
Have been butchered in the beastly clutches.

'Charm of that dimple smile,
O daughter, no drug can tranquilize me'.
As the pyre burns on,
Gloomy father leans on the broken dreams

Later, in the court
The innocent justice was brutally raped.
Lawyer's tongue wrenched
Head of the justice to acquit that human shape.

Father in dismay
Fired at that cruel thorax, evil drops clotted on death.
Shackles lock his wrists, but
The justice sits on bullet as on a throne

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The world is more than the sum of it's parts

The world is more than the sum of it's parts;
Things so unequal, it must be an art,
For nothing's predictable as it might seem,
From the hour of our birth to the death of our dream.

In real life Cinderella can win the prince,
No matter how unlikely the size of her prints:
If the quantum shoe fits the strange facts of the case,
We can acquit and find there no disgrace.

The sole home of Ripley and Guinness and Freud;
Guilt not allayed and surprise unalloyed-
No use to bother with syntax or diction;
In this world, truth is much larger than fiction.

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Suited To Be Tied

In time,
All crimes...
Expose themselves,
For what they are.

No matter how small.
Or notorious!

Clouds shading Sun,
To hide and protect what has been done,
Come to light!

And injustices committed,
Are lifted to acquit.
Sometimes with a reluctance,
Expressed on faces of sickness.

And those suited and tied,
AND tried for their criminalities...

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Edmund Spenser

Sonnet XLII

THe loue which me so cruelly tormenteth,
So pleasing is in my extreamest paine:
that all the more my sorrow it augmenteth,
the more I loue and doe embrace my bane.
Ne doe I wish (for wishing were but vaine)
to be acquit fro my continuall smart:
but ioy her thrall for euer to remayne,
and yield for pledge my poore captyued hart
The which that it from her may neuer start,
let her, yf please her, bynd with adamant chayne:
and from all wandring loues which mote peruart,
his safe assurance strongly it restrayne.
Onely let her abstaine from cruelty,
and doe me not before my time to dy.

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AN ORPHAN PARTING(İ f there were no sins..How would be aware of good things)

ı have got enough of everything
life and living
seen everything I had to see
enough and enough
that is enough
now..time is approaching
it is the era and time of parting
do not acquit me
do not bless me
if you want
do not forgive my wrong doings
sins and offenses
cause ı know and ı feel
in fact who is the one offended
born an orphan
grew an orphan
ı will leave this world an orphan
let them share
what I left behind
and remember me

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Give Me Heaven, I Wont Be Content.

Give me Heaven,

I wont be content

with her golden streets

and pearly gates

breath taking mansions

and all the joyful saints

Give me Heaven,

I wont be content

with the amazing wall

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Charter Imposed on the People

Trudeau wrote our Charter of Rights but we did not participate,
It was imposed from above with establishment type debate,
No input, no referendums and for “EVERYONE” in the world,
That means criminals, terrorists, refugees with their flags unfurled.

And when they arrive they go to the appointed Supreme Court,
They claim rights under the Charter and they all want support,
And we are only observers at these courtroom decisions,
Once again we have no input into these appointees’ visions.

We have no binding referendums so we have to submit,
Refugee-terrorists allowed in or criminals they acquit,
Because binding referendums might give power to the people,
You remember, those who lived within sight of the church steeple.

Jan 3rd 2011

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