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Quotes about diaphragm

A concave chest means that your diaphragm is sagging.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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I'm engaging my diaphragm as I'm speaking to you right now.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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The hot hot sun

The hot hot sun
my skin skin skin
irksome infants
a din din din
could get under
my skin skin skin.
take a breath
a deep belly breath
let your diaphragm do the work
vorsprung durch inhallation
the oxygen bubbles into my blood
the heat touches my
my mind absorbs those mutual benefits
slows, calms, immersed a gentle euphoria
and the warmth of the breeze embraces
I feel the joy joy joy

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The Tongue

Inadvertently I passed the border of her teeth and swallowed
her agile tongue. It lives inside me now, like a Japanese fish. It
brushes against my heart and my diaphragm as if against the walls
of an aquarium. It stirs silt from the bottom.
She whom I deprived of a voice stares at me with big eyes
and waits for a word.
Yet I do not know which tongue to use when speaking to
her – the stolen one or the one which melts in my mouth from an
excess of heavy goodness.

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Power Of Words

Written words are powerful
Able to influence and elicit change

More powerful yet are spoken words
Birthed in the mind, delivered through
Tongue, diaphragm and lungs
Working in concert to deliver voice
Intelligent vibrations creating reality

Somewhere an angry someone screams
“I hate you”
Words moving through space unhindered
Past countless stars in countless galaxies
Wreaking endless havoc on God’s Creation

Thinking with one's heart before speaking
Glorifies the positive power of words
Destruction ceases, balance restored


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Mind Your Mouth Over All Matters

i ruin your good mood
before it can get to you
a few words not thought through
my mind two steps behind my mouth

infectious little wound love
a gaping diaphragm, netherhole
the efficiency in mindlessness on a large scale
filled with nothing
filling with everything
dying everyday
the same way
yeah i know
we all know...

you are right here
in my pocket a phone call that's all
a blind conversation with a myctophobiac

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Desire intends to merge
With addiction
Crossfire, in between the feat
Body wasting…
Mind jumps into brazen pool
Honey melts, drips in crushes
Soul catching soul
Diaphragm of craving enlarges
Waves of blood, rush incessantly
Desire floods the veins
Longing invades taste
As long as the Sun is alive
I can see the hope, shining so bright
As long as the nights, painted in blue
I can see the twining possible
Dear, dearer dearest
Catch me…
Let me breathe your soiled love
Weighed in heavy drooling lust
Allow me to swim in your ocean of devotion

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With belly like a poisoned pup
Said I: 'I must give bacon up:
And also, I profanely fear,
I must abandon bread and beer
That make for portliness they say;
Yet of them copiously today
I ate with an increasingly sense
Of grievous corpulence.

I like a lot of thinks I like.
Too bad that I must go on strike
Against pork sausages and mash,
Spaghetti and fried corn-beef hash.
I deem he is a lucky soul
Who has no need of girth control;
For in the old of age: 'Il faut
Souffrir pour etre bean.'

Yet let me not be unconsoled:
So many greybeards I behold,

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I place my hands on you
feeling your body stiffen from anticipation
unused to warm hands probing
yet hesitantly hoping
that Body would come alive again.

I let my fingertip glide
along your shoulders
electric skin explodings
collar bone stiffening
mouth pouty
as I kiss
your nape
settling there like home;
you exhale
as I
surrender to your heaving front
leaving no part of it untouched
in its quivering quiverings
in its exploding satiations

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'THE Dutch have taken Holland,'--so the schoolboys used to say;
The Dutch have taken Harvard,--no doubt of that to-day!
For the Wendells were low Dutchmen, and all their vrows were Vans;
And the Breitmanns are high Dutchmen, and here is honest Hans.

Mynheers, you both are welcome! Fair cousin Wendell P.,
Our ancestors were dwellers beside the Zuyder Zee;
Both Grotius and Erasmus were countrymen of we,
And Vondel was our namesake, though he spelt it with a V.

It is well old Evert Jansen sought a dwelling over sea
On the margin of the Hudson, where he sampled you and me
Through our grandsires and great-grandsires, for you would n't quite

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