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Quotes about primate

First of all it's usually women who run these higher primate sanctuaries, rarely men. They are white. They come from privileged backgrounds. They are educated.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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All the negatives
overcome the primate
raging at his impotance
wields the rock
exerts his power
crushing the skulls
of those closest to hand
his flannel suit
drenched in sweat and blood.

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The Noosphere Is Growing


The Noosphere is growing
Surprisingly these days
The Internet expanding
The prime primate’s brain.

But out there in the distances
Our little probes still seem
A minor one –way traffic
In Vast Energy unseen.

Perhaps one day a Meeting
Of higher Minds will hum-
And through the Darkest distances
Spelling errors will strum.

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I think if we study the primates, we notice that a lot of these things that we value in ourselves, such as human morality, have a connection with primate behavior. This completely changes the perspective, if you start thinking that actually we tap into our biological resources to become moral beings. That gives a completely different view of ourselves than this nasty selfish-gene type view that has been promoted for the last 25 years.

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Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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I Want Nothing

A stunning hurl of androids
on command, pulled by empty space when
a talking primate decides
the course of universe.

A non-existent living
from moment to moment prepares
a moon man to jump into religion
for salvation.

The wedding of tin sliced,
dumping bodies, of forsaken brides
of gloom, widens the want of rocks
and people give a black-lipped approval.

A plane load of hand grenades
and missiles and rocket launchers
nourish the smug ideas of a watershed
on the discovery of self.

[...] Read more

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When the street was becoming alive
man had become a charged bull,
goring the god to death.
My father wept, took the corpse home,
that was his child.

In the wild fire, a tall eucalyptus
had burned, turned black.
What did you think, this year,
spring would not come?

I remained very sad those days.
When the self was me, my image
I was dying without death;
through the veils, I would not see.

Was the pinnacle of your is, was becoming
empty? Tell me when we would learn,
the tiny truth of a primate? Or become
snakes eating our own children?

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Some vital aspect split our primate past
and heralded the rise of modern man,
The experts scan the intervening span
to pinpoint where exact the dice were cast.
An upright stance gave scope of spaces vast
and language lent ability to plan,
With strong-thumbed hands the use of tools began
and progress surged with fire's inflaming blast.
Yet these and more are surplus to our breed,
a single human feature formed our shape,
Dissatisfaction blazed us to the lead
and from a savage world we made escape.
Genetic restlessness and need did seed
triumphant man; The Discontented Ape.

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59 Action

Grey sea and grey skies are one... yet does the sudden
crimson sailed boat give hope and it defines
the horizon where the sun will be rising.

(to the graduates of Ohio State... may the students and alumni
end primate, dog, cat, horse, mouse, cow, pig, sheep and all other
university research and slaughter.. including the course in mice spine
breaking.... see Physicians' Comm. For Responsible Medicine...
and Protect Our Earth Treasures, Poetwill)
(Alex Pacheco, cofounder of PETA, is a graduate of Ohio State,
May this university once again be committed to low tuition as it is
to high standards)

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Primate, elemental, spontaneous and emotional;
The point of drunkeness is what i see around me,
But i do have my notes for you.

This is like the quasi-mystical secrets cilts,
And there arose the fear of the society;
But you have to cry for help when being cheated!
With others living in a turquoise-roofed temples,
Because the notes of this world are not always equal.

Geomancy and physiognomy with the notes,
But be very conscious of the parallels like the mandates of the heavens! !
For they are armed to the teeth and i am only around with my ink,
But i do have the notes about this world for you only to learn from.

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Zoo Gorilla

Zoo Gorilla

There was a big, bright ape at a zoo in Sweden who

disliked being looked at when walking about in his

enclosure minding his own business. To get visitors

to move on he threw stones at them. Bad ape, bad

for business the wise zoo administration concluded.

A tranquilizer dart flew through the air and the ape

was rendered emasculated; one cannot have hostile

apes at a zoo, they should behave like cuddly giants.

[...] Read more

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