Gentle Soul
lying gently in the phantom of opera,
hammock the gentle sleep of forever
goodbye.... glad remembering
tears depart form the agonizing eye
view the sky of towering halos of
joy; angelic white robes bringing voice
of alluring sweet sleep.....embrace
hello dear soul, the silent of the lamb
says no more and the distance flight
sober the sky for the mild surrender,
hold the breathless echo of the soul
saying....the last return
cooled and happy viewed the sparkling
mid-night sky, rejuvenate the graving
stone crystal white of wonder.....silent
lost the pilgrim
harmony of the orchestra puzzle my
way, nay! hold me to stay... for the
echo swift me home, I will be home...
'a poem dedicated to Michael Burdell'
poem by Antonio Liao
Added by Poetry Lover
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