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You never knew when it's coming;
it shows up.
It needs no invitation;
it comes at odd times.

Work is slow...
Down time.

There you are reflecting,
trying to ease your mind
and bim!

Where did it come from?
Who asked for it?
Did you hear her coming?
Did you hear her belly aching?
Yes you did!
Did you hear my response?
No you did not!
Why? Because I did not.

If I answered...
One thing leads to another.
Around here
people call the police
for a whisper.
Next thing you know,
you are cuffed and taken down.

Men, listen up
be prepared for temptation.
It's omnipresent...
If you are at church
it is there.
If you are at work
it is there.
A spoiler of a good time.
An enemy of rest,
your spouse's friend.
Careful, here it comes.

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