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God’s Gifts to Man

One finger gone can make one look ugly;
One missing leg can make life so dreary;
One scar on face can ruin complexion;
One eye that’s blind can make life difficult.

A fractured bone makes rest, a misery;
A heart attack turns life so miserable;
A seizure illness needs life-time of drugs;
A diabetic may need ‘insulin-pricks’!

The body-organs God-given are great;
They work with harmony and precision;
We do not know their values until late;
No pump on earth can beat like natural heart.

From dust, God made man very brilliantly;
God’s love for man is almost infinite!
Is not the human body sacrosanct?
And yet, we do not rest our body-parts!

There’s nothing like the circadian rhythm;
Each cell has machinery adequate;
The genes control all metabolic acts;
The fetus is a miniature human!

So, hygiene is so important in life;
Some discipline is essential too;
Our habits must not cause much ‘wear and tear’;
We need both quality and long life-span.

The human mind and body are assets;
There is no wealth better than these on earth;
A healthy person lives with forbearance;
Firm faith in God is foremost need of life.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 4-11-2008

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