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Sonnet: New Year Resolutions

Become the leaf from which you turned a thorn!
Go back in time, becoming your good self;
Take on traits healthy with which you were born;
Cast off those tendencies that gave more pelf!

Throw off your habits bad of yester-years;
Peel off the pachyderm of ‘make-up’ dirt;
Remove the accrued wax from outer ears;
Make up with others whom you had once hurt!

Resolve in mind to give up sinful thoughts;
Defreeze your heart of pent up emotions;
You fulgurate your body’s ugly warts;
Enhance your skills for future promotions!

Let words from mouth be courteous, kind and rife!
Let virtues take the place of vice in life!

Dedicated to those in high office who wish to turn a new leaf!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 1-14-2010

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