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Spring’s loveliest creature- Butterflies

What hues of Butterflies, we see on earth!
What color combinations and wing-spans!
What textures and designs those fly with mirth!
The tiniest hover-crafts- better than man’s!

From tiny Caterpillar phase, they grow
Into the gorgeous ‘living planes’ that move,
O’er land and sea and sky: from flow’r to bough!
Yes, Nature’s prettiest creature, earthlings love.

When spring spreads her verdure leafy blanket,
And flowers bloom from buds, so numerous,
And Zephyr cool blows over landscape wet,
The butterflies spring forth, most beauteous!

The caterpillar’s gluttony was right!
A swarm of lovely colors weaves a trail
Of happiness astounding any sight!
Yes, spring has come so that earthlings shan’t wail!

A magic performed by Nature mother:
By sweep of her flow’ry-Butterfly wand!
O’er winter’s frozen, leafless land, brother;
Spring’s the shrine of seasons, worshipped, so grand.

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