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The Giant and the Monster

Come to think about the time I was a young rant;
The universe: all seemed far away, big and wide,
That made me like a foot in the crowd on my side,
Holding the man's hand, my father was a giant.

Then an old man that I'd never met came for a visit;
Wore a wrinkled skin, as he trembled to hold his wicker;
At fifty-six then; I wished I would to die at fifty-six;
Once a toothless smile posed Grandpa was a monster.

My existence in to this world at the age of sixteen;
All seemed right; I'd never been wrong back then;
Than that little mind of mine who knew bit to scorn;
So as to the giant and to the monster, I grew a horn.

This one quote 'What comes around, it goes around'
Has come to haunt me as the giant or a monster bound;
In their likeness, I'm now the purest mirror of my sin,
And mystified no more than watching where I have been.

On the same road, long time ago, it gotten nearer;
I passed fifty-six and I wished to live much longer,
Than the monster, but God forbids, I wish to be sane;
Or equal to the giant, who went to sleep at eighty-seven.

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