I rise upon the call of the sun
Like fire burning my skin
My soul of guilt
Whom I have done wrong
To forgive me
I rise upon the call of the sun
Like fire giving me life to live
Another life
Another moment
To face what is present
And what is next
As I look upon the road of reality
To differ the past and future
Like autumn leaves on the ground
Seeds to be reborn
Another tree to spring
Yet, life like sunshine and sunset
Moons and stars
Sharing their lights in the galaxy
Of darkened universe
We all have time to rest
If tomorrow I still rise
To greet the sun upon the call of the wind
Air to breathe
And see what God created me –
“Today, I thank you Lord for giving me
another day to live.”
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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