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A Letter To The Unborn Child

A simple letter to the unborn baby.

Dear: Unborn child

just incase you make it to this world bear in mind that you are entering a world with no mercy a world with no heart a world where a smile its a greened face.

Dear child all of your beliefs should be wise. Human dont live forever. Ey even that same womb which gave you birth can turn its back on you even that guy who transfered you to be fertilised can turn tables yes i a talking.

Even that friend you grow with and trust wont be arround at all times when needed
yes it is still me
Dear child even that money that you chuck in your pocket wont protect you
not even that gun you will carry
not even that intelligence you have not even that church you go to not even that school you go to

dear unborn baby troubles arent supposed to be kept inside they destroy you.
That smoking habit
if i said too much you will tell me.

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