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1._ Justice
Apply justice, when time is right.
Crooked, unfair actions to denounce,
Be ready to accurately strike.
Before action be wise, on balance.

2._ Courage
Courage is virtuous on righteousness,
a sacrifice to unworthiness is odd,
defend correct values with ableness,
admitting mistakes with mind bold.

3._ Benevolence
Love, affection, sympathy for another,
combined with an excellence of mind,
highest soul's attributes and character,
are Princely, manly virtues and kind.

4._ Politeness
Politeness, courtesy, excellent manners,
abide in a man's soul. But a poor virtue,
when actuated by fear or to elude others.
It must stem Sympathy towards truth.

5._ Veracity
Truth is a manly act, falsity dishonors,
lying is a cowardly act and unworthy,
A man's word is enough to guarantee honors,
as veracity is analogous to worthy.

6._ Honor
An honorable person acts humbly in manners.
Lack of honor, disrespectfully expands.
Qualities of honor, are the Bushido banners,
and a valid cure to soul's and mind's scars.

7._ Loyalty
A man must know to be loyal to his family,
teachers, fellow men, arts and sciences.
Never forget who lifted him to act aptly,
when qualities are applied on issuances.

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