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Grow The Seeds

It is desired to grow the seeds
Had remained always critical needs
Generations after generations are carried on
Many changes have taken place and time has gone

It has been divine wish to encourage the growth
Overall improvement in morality and in general or both
It needed clear foresight to provide the impetus
The nature is thus there to provide all inputs

Seasons make change and everybody easily finds
Spring definitely creates magic in human mind
Very nice and congenial atmosphere is created
The human mind favors and some change is recreated

Seeds are more important
Some thing should be poured instant
The changes take place
And there is emergence of new face

The tendency is to grow and multiply
The world at large must simplify
It is normal process to develop fast
But human race as such must not last

It must take care of everything
Humane touch is unique and something
It comes in form of passion, love and hatred
We are born tough yet should not be mislead

It is prime concern to keep speed at pace
Humanity is not a forgone conclusion or race
It has to remain and must thrive
We need to strengthen it to survive

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