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Kicks in return

Mighty rule here and weakest suffer,
Kicks in return when ordinary gifts offer,
Why no system which acts as buffer,
Is there no right to say right and differ?

This question always made me puzzle.
Rain did not offer peace even when dazzle,
It continued to hunt and troubled always,
I sit motionless and try to find new says,

Why I am not that powerful as sun?
Why I always think of using the gun?
Is there no peaceful alternate?
Where all are equal and no subordinate,

Rulers have gone influential have taken over,
Scene remain same but clouds still hover,
No kicks in return but distrustful eyes,
No gestures but unwelcome scene and byes,

Why still remain history and disparity?
Is there any sense or high morality?
Why do we face question of seniority?
This is question faced by most of majority

World will not change even after destruction,
Face the dishonour even after precise instruction,
Matter remains same even stiffer than question,
Even you forget and bury deep in bastion,

It may still for many more centuries,
Distance may reduce even between countries,
Many changes may come with new entries,
Rules may change but not the sentries

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