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When I first heard of this word, I wondered what that was.
I thought that was some types of onomatopoeia such as:
Click clack, pap pap, tap tap, crick crack, pouf puff,
And you get the idea. I thought that was kid’s stuff.
I was very wrong. It is something revolutionary.
It is a miracle; there, you find the whole planetary
Universe and more: the invented and the uninvented
Stuff. There, you can find out about everything,
About what the king ate last night and what happened
To that food; you get the idea. Don’t be a dingue.
I am not going to tell you the meaning of this word,
Go there and do your own search. My dictionary
Is now obsolete. My books are now archaic like the sword
Used to guillotine Joan of Arc. This is really visionary.
I feel like I am the Andy Rooney of poetry,
And I have to write about every imaginary
Feelings, every feather that touches the baby’s booty,
And about every crying infants under the shining sea.
Google is extremely potent and important
It is much more than we can fathom,
It is much more than every kingdom.
It is about quoting and unquoting the President.
Such as saying: “Mr. G.B. tear down this fence”.
And I am no Ronald Reagan. Building the defense
Is vitally important. They should hire the Boston Celtic’s coach
To run the Homeland Security. Wow, they can turn me into a roach
For saying something like that. As we know, lies don’t fly
But the truth always flies like the butterfly
Of early summer. Oops, this is out place.
This poem is about Google, the internet palace,
Where you can find about what happened to every corrupt politicians.
I just found some dirt about some not too famous friends and magicians.
Yes, I read the charges and the dates that they were sentenced,
And where they did the time. This is a new stance.
This is more than gossips. Now, we have all of the facts,
From now on, when I hear or see this word which lacks
No introduction or explanation, I know that person is talking
About the search engine of the internet and this is serious thinking.
Now I wrote about this phenomenon,
I am going to be sued by an angry cloistered nun.

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