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A Flower To Auroville Mother-32

Thanga Arali, Manjal Arali
(Mexican oleander, Yellow Oleander, Lucky Nut
Thevetia peruviana)
Swarna Pushpam(Yellow bells, Yellow trumpet,
Yellow-Elder, Tecoma stans)

How can it be else possible
While you both are divine
For yellow oleander plausible
Yet having lucky-nutty poison..

Swarna, tell me how come slender
Yet pull your support all down
Bewitching with a belled splendour
For us yellow bells as well known

Of similar colour and persona
Puzzled of ManjalArali which we
No puzzle but we know now in awe
Thevetia, Tecoma friends we agree

Coloured of same tinge by Lord's wish
Differed a bit of shape in leaves
Grown to a shrubby tree to enravish
For pooja with you our prayer heeds

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