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Umukashana Nkumbwa (The Girl I Admire)

Ala alibumbwa,
Umukashana nkumbwa,
Inga apita uyu chikashana,
Umutima ulashana,
Ukumumonafye ninshi pesano
Ici ndelanda chishinka.
Nangula inga ayipika,
Ifyakulya mu mupika-
Ndakombelesha nomwinko,
Filyafine nkombelesha
Ine nankwe mpaka kumpela
Yachalo. Twakumene
ukukumana imitima,
Kulya ukushaba nakalya

I tell you she is a site to see,
The girl I admire,
When she walks in the street
My heart dances,
Upon seeing her I pay homage,
What I tell you is the truth,
When for me she cooks,
Food in her pot-
I lick everything to the cooking stick,
The same way I lick the love she gives me,
I and her till the end of the world,
We met where hearts meet,
There where they do not shiver

© Wednesday,
October 12,2011.10: 31PM

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