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Touched By Beauty

Have you felt that softest touch
A silent sky
That says so much.
Candy floss pink streaked.
A kaleidoscope that leaked.
A child heaven as sunshine slept
Some wild spectrum
As moonlight crept.
By the canyon of the sky
Between the stars
And you and I.
Naked as the moon
We lay in fever of love.
Our ecstasy in a balloon
Escaping high above.
So very light
- The impish breeze
Does massage our souls.
And ignite
Memories that freeze
As passion walks on hot coals.
The sprinkle of rivers and streams
That tinkle like bells
Through our dreams.
Collecting in wells pure and deep.
The elixir
Only Gods could weep.
By the mighty ocean
With ultimate symphony.
Poetry in motion
As thunder plays timpani.
It's all there
Beauty making love to beauty.
A maiden fair
By stardust was blown.
As Cupid whispers secrets
She wanders unknown
Calling on lost fantasies
We all thought had flown.

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