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Class Dismissed

Can anyone identify
What this is I have in my right hand?

'It is a pen, Mister Wisdom.'

Very good.
And with that pen,
On a piece of paper.
I want each of you to write this:
'If I ever allowed Mister Wisdom,
To teach and I would listen.
Perhaps he will not consider me,
A complete idiot! '
Very good.
Now take this to your parents...
And return this to me tomorrow!
With a photo of your parents attached!

Class dismissed!

'Mister Wisdom...
The bell hasn't rung yet! '

You are going to hear much more than bells,
In this classroom!
I just want you all to pay attention to the silence!
That's the way I like it!
And that's the way it is going to be.
Unless a fool wants to object to my wishes?

Like I said...
Class dismissed!
And don't forget those photos,
Of your breeders!
Forgive me children.
I meant to say...
Unless an 'ignoramous'
Wants to object to my wishes!
All and 'any' class who forgets
That I am the one who dismisses...
Will receive many lessons in this room!
Tell your parents...
Wallet size.
No 8 by 10's!

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