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Just a Matter Of Perception

Should I give them a clue,
As to whose rules these are?
Or WHO chose them to play?

I'm having too much fun.
Why should I let 'their' frustrations,
Get in 'my' way?

They have no idea,
What they have started with their wickedness.
And what has initiated...
In new ways,
Why some folks have displayed their mischieviousness...
In such a deviousness today.

And even though it is just a matter of perception...
I want to let them know how their perceptions,
Are being received.
If they only knew,
'How' you were watching their every move...
They would choose to pray.
For real and with devoted faith!

'My son?
You would love to give away 'all' of my secrets.
Wouldn't you? '

Not exactly!
I just want to 'enlighten' them a bit.
You know...
Set them straight!

'I'm 'perceiving' your arrogance as getting obnoxious!
A little be to the 'right'...
And you'd be hopping on my last nerve!

I give you a little power.
And you are ready to emblazen your image,
On the face of the Sun! '

OH! No!
No, Your Highness!
I don't want nobody to know I've got it like that!
I'm in the humility business.
That's the way I want those perceptions of me kept!

Good choice!

[...] Read more

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