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Once Mild Mannered

Dichotomous moments of anonymous use,
To accuse certain groups of animal abuse...
Is useless and a foolish waste,
If one is sitting on a rhinoceros...
Trying to disguise it as a hippopotamus.
To avoid a higher tax one has to pay.
And in law chambers they debate...
Whether this is a violation of rights to obey.
As an argument ensues as to why the coffee cups,
Hanging from gold hooks becoming loose.
To leave chips on them producing unwanted dust!

They all are nuts! '

With the cost of living ascending,
Bending backs.
Busting through roofs,
With ignored facts.
Leaving once mild mannered people,
Cussing to seethe.
Ready to attack,
Like mad dogs in a mixed breed pack.

With the cost of living ascending...
Bending backs.
Once mild mannered people,
Have had it...
That's a fact!
They're on a path to attack!

Once mild mannered people,
Have had it...
That's a fact!
They're on a path to attack!

Once mild mannered people,
Have had it...
That's a fact!
They're on a path to attack!

They're on a path to attack!
That's a fact!

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