Change Your Paradigm
Talking about my book, leadership centred on principles
you immediately defend the benevolent autocratic style
so beloved by authoritarian societies, the way we lead
our lives requiring sacrifice and tact from underlings
to remain happy and calm while being disempowered all
the time - oh well, learning patience and resignation
is such a virtue - fighting to change your paradigm
is more than my character and personality will let me,
I don't mind being unpopular since popularity with you
comes at too high a price which I cannot pay even if I
try, to get you to share power with me does not seem
feasible given your entrenched ideas of leaders being
nasty people - I'll say they are!
"Principle-Centred Leadership" by Stephen
R. Covey - Simon and Schuster UK Ltd,1992
Diary Notes 17 June 2012
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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