Temper Like Lightning
Some people are like angels - but do not tell
them so, they want to be big and bluff, shouting
at you like the Billy Goats Gruff, they seem to be
intimidating and timid souls run off while
underneath beats a heart of gold
Nobody is allowed to cosset them, they are tough,
any overpowering kindness and they run away while
wagging an accusing finger at you, you have to be
friendly without seeming to, offer friendship without
giving the game away, nobody allowed
To see the heart beating, it is all muscle and brawn,
admonishing and words like Stay Strong, Don’t Put
A Foot Wrong; since I never put a foot right, it is
difficult to get on, yet for all their thunder and
blighting and a temper like lightning
Their presence shines like a light
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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