Leave Me In The Wind
You leave me in the wind and drive away
I look at you, cold coloring my face
I must've known as you went your separate way
That you were leaving a world that would've vanished anyway
You left me in the cold, I'm casting blame
On you and your ever-hateful ways
And I'm not claiming anymore that I knew I had to stay
But I had to live without you past that day
Now I look down and sigh from day to day
Wondering if you hadn't left me, what would change
But I'm dreaming of a future where I claim
A world of enjoying life without you today
I can't say I'm impressed now
And I know, I know I'm judging you
But it's not like you don't deserve it
I can't say I'm sleeping peaceful now
But I know, I know I made the right choice
Living without you all that time
I can't say I'm happy now
And I know, I know you're somewhere out there with some other girl
Begging the same thing
that you begged of me
Oh, but I'm here today
And I thank you at least for that
Cause if you stayed I probably would've left
But if I left you wouldn't have stayed anyway
So I lay down my burden
At his side tonight
Hoping that you look down
from far away
And you see it playing in my head again…
You left me in the wind and drove away
I watched you, the cold coloring my face
I must've known as you went your separate way
That we would have vanished anyway