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Amazon Queen

Pounding hellishly the rain has no business destroying me,
My journey is never to end.
Pounding continuously is the water of a scientific kind,
The one we call acid-rain.
Pounding relentlessly are the drops that collect and form floods,
We are too worried of them.
Pounding on us is the liquid I call a storming rain-fall,
In the Amazon rain-forest, where the long river is also.
Pounding on us is the humidity derived from the weather
That never ceases in its changes and profits only.
Pounding heavily and beating the branches is the windy-rain
That lives among the Jungle, that lifts the river
And makes it briefly breath.
Pounding the earth are the Amazonians and their Queen,
Biggest warriors of the undergrowth and canopies,
Huger in conflict than the mercenaries of a war itself.
Pounding on us is the Queen of the Amazon,
The River-Mighty,
The Bleeding-Woman,
A Woman that is Queen and aims to expell us.
We stop and stare to find our heads being shot at from all sides,
Front, Back, Left and Right Flank. We have no chance, and they are
Pounding us with arrows of a different kind -
Poisoned Arrows!
One has hit my ribs and cracked one perfectly,
The other has landed in my neck!
Alas Amazon Queen, your nature is hidden now.
I lay under the trees with the pounding of the rain, in peace.

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