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In My Reflection, You Are Not A Stranger

I saw your face
caught in my reflection
bending backwards and
contorting past the
gaping hands of the sun
because another month
was caught suspended
in the silver latticing
of our eternal ties

I saw your hands
pull the bell rope
and rang the alarm
that disturbs the shadows
of the unforgiving unloved
that dislimns the pageantry
of our terse lacings
still gnarled on the blue veins
of my fingers and wrists
snapping without a sound

I saw your cordial smile
in mine, because to hope
is to defy defeat
I washed away the grime
and pierced the veil
of the acquiescent night
mantling my sunken eyes
so I can bemuse myself
with your porcelains
and clatters of your chortles
slithering past my simpers
and grinning crooked teeth

I saw you in my statuesque
and monastic imposition
the bones shivering
cold, bitter and alone
in this September chill
because I want to see you
desperately, because
to be desperate is to love
the consequences of love

And like a feather plummeting
into the moon's parsimonious gravity
blissfully struck by the milky
phosphor of Luna's kiss
I flummoxed down into
the asylum of misery -

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