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The lights in the house have all gone off,
perhaps the storm is the reason why.
The flash light batteries are all dead,
but there's a candle to get you by.

In the dark you search for a box of matches
and swear they were in the kitchen draw.
You come across a box with only two inside,
that's one extra just to make sure.

One match is spent, but the candle is lit,
what will you do with your time
The thunder claps and lightning flashes,
and shadows dance on the blinds.

You are nervous and alone in your house,
and decide to retire for the night.
The shadows accompany you to your bed,
one jumps and gives you a fright.

Lying in your bed you cannot sleep
and listen to the noises of the storm.
An uneasy feeling still lies with you,
but at least you're snug and warm.

You swear you heard an unusual noise
followed by a high pitched shrill.
Can you really hear finger nails scratching
around the windowpane and sill?

Did you lock the bedroom door,
can you say that in all honesty?
Should you check just to make sure?
There, I told you, I did turn the key.

Locking your windows and doors
won't stop the creatures getting in.
They can enter whenever they want,
if you're awake or even sleeping.

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