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Ramdas Choi Chang poems 1

Choi Chang
Morning moods
Poem 1.
Nightingale sings,
Namaste, Namaste
Peacock dance to that song,
Some people are so strong,
They sleep well till 10,
even if Crows sing and cocks dance on their bed!

Poem 2.
Some are good poets
Some are good writers
There are so many Good topics
Most successful are more controversial,
If there is shadow, then there is light!

Poem 3
some men have very good knowledge,
And some are highly rich,
There are some taps have block and are useless,
As useless as that men said above!

Poem 4
Honest people have high demand
As far as brilliant are there,
People use shoes and slippers,
The shoes and slippers are used by brilliant to save feet from thorns and pricky stones!

Poem 5.
There are stones useful
There are stones useless
Strangely men are used by men,
useful are used as steps and pavements,
Useless are polished and use in jewels!

Poem 6.
Strange people need not remain as strangers,
ones own strange behaviours can strangely convert a relative to stranger,
And a stranger to own relative,
We all relative to each other,
we all are relatively relatives, Only we can be relatively perfect that
Perfect relatives!

Some people have choice,
Live better or leave better,

[...] Read more

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