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Poems Unveiled

Poems are like: -

nursery rhymes
music on lips
simple and sublime.

under the skin
a delicious snack.

pleasure to sip
sometimes hard one to crack.

churning the mind
welcoming to the grind.

essence of feelings
metamorphosed into
a poetic gem.

Writers’ baby
announcing its arrival
leaving mother’s hem.

the sunshine
sieving through the blue & black
enjoy and absorb the heat.

lady love
fascinating and captivating
both soothing the senses & intellectual’s treat.

skeletons of words
walking the ramp
dressed by ingenuity.

abstract paintings
craving for appreciation
open to different interpretations.

Assortment of poems by worthy poets
take you pick and enjoy the writes
comment or not, doesn’t matter
on any given day
one amongst stars
does shines better.

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