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Smile and radiance on your face
mark my presence
and when you blush
power of love seizes me thence.

Peacock eyes
painted lampblack with care
playing hide & seek with your lustrous hair
thundering clouds are absent in the skies
yet lightening darts from your captivating eyes.

lowering of the eyelids
invite impenetrable darkness
you throw back your hair skilfully
daylight breaks unexpectedly.

Watching heavy heaving of your bust
with pride,
wind exults on your fate
even the flamingo gets the complex
enjoying your enchanting gait.

Lips, make me feel like rose petals
hands like the lotus stalks
astonished are Urvershi and Meneka*
away they walk.

Worship of some divine sculptor
HE only could have created you
whom should I proffer the flowers?
To Him or to ravishing you.

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