Wintery Nature
MR. Vavroo vahana patra
Slivery haze, as white clouds, sails over the Earth;
Poets enjoy the wintery beauty of nature with mirth.
The beauty of roses does not display itself gaudily;
Sunrays fall on them slowly and gradually.
The Sun eventually smiles in the eastern horizon;
Alluring, attracting, enticing is God’s creation!
Man marvels as starts Nature’s beautification;
God’s bliss streams on it with His benediction.
Nature, with her eternal beauty, fills with delight;
Poets’, devotees’ and chaste women’s minds aright.
As sunrays kiss the soft petals of roses so coy,
Poets are enchanted and their beauty heartily enjoy.
Deity of deities Lord Shiva blesses the devotees gracefully
As the serene shrine dazzles with the sunrays gaily.
Beautiful indeed looks now the wintery dawn
And devotees meditate in silence in the quiet morn.
As Mother’s temple too glitters with the sunbeam,
Devotees drink the nectar of love from Her Love’s stream.
poem by Vavroovahana Patra
Added by Poetry Lover
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