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Talking Cabbage

A talking cabbage told me, it would prefer to be in a side salad

Than watch the news

The couch potato listless of endless media coverage

Said it would rather be mashed and squashed

Than bored by another soap

Then it changed it's mind

And said it would prefer to mingle with mayonaise and chives

The talking cabbage said it would rather be coleslaw

Than know the weather

At least it could mingle with the onion and the carrot together

The talking cabbage said

' I would rather have my own chat show than watch Jerermy Kyle'

And then thinking it was all a dream

I showed him the chopping board


Then the cucumber started

I decided to become A NON VEGETARIAN

But something is telling me the lamb chops are restless

The eggs are becoming quite unreasonable

Over the spilt milk

And the bread is unhappy with it's filling

Happiness never lasts!

Decided to fast

But the silence is unbearable,

Who can fill it?

[...] Read more

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