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A Wet Whiskered Fishured Cat Caught Nothin' But An Empty Paw.

Tis' be fish-a fish of mine...
One that flips inside a pan o'thine.

That cat that swatted at a fish astray...
That cat had not caught a one'a fish that day.

Into the watery drink that cat did fall....
Kitty Kat-Kitty Kat is what he'd heard one call.

Inside the house he found me stearn...
But with fish in a pan he found to me to of learn.

Right off to market had i gone...
The Kitty Kat ate his share of fish b'fore fallen to
a sleep aft' last let out tired out, yawn.

Do you see? ...
ZZZZZZZeeee Zeee Zeee zzzz
zzz! ! !

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