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Car Salesman

Nought per cent finance, what a con!
Nought per cent finance, you’re having me on
That's the offer that brought me in here,
Buying this car is going to cost me dear.

Let's look at the figures just once more,
Prevent you heading straight for the door.
Perhaps we can do some kind of deal
To greatly change the way you feel.

Tell me what you want and we'll do our best
To find the car that passes your test.
You can choose the colour and the engine size
As long as you see I’m not telling you lies!

Air-con you can have, or alloy wheels,
Though that's the type a car thief steals!
A silver one is nice, or what about blue?
It’ll match your eyes and really suit you.

They taught me what to say to you in selling school
Making you believe I'm playing by the rule
So come on, buy the car, that’s now not then,
Cos I’ve heard you really want it for your daughter, Jen!

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