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How much of money?

How much of money'll quench my thirst?
Where lies the point of satisfying lust?

How much of money'll give me very trust
'Now I'm rich, I should'nt worry must'?

How much of money'll bring me cherished peace?
Or it shall ever remain, beyond, beyond reach?

How much of money'll give me sure joy
saying 'got it enought ' I'll feel it to enjoy?

How much of money'll gift me sound sleep?
Or shall it ever elude, ever evade, slip?

How much of money'll get me real heart?
Or shall I search it among all dubious flirt?

How much of money'll get me real friend?
Or shall I loose them all before reaching end?

How much of money'll vanish those are foes?
Or they'll breath me before as I become loose?

How much of money'll set me free from fear?
Or they'll seize tomorrow, chase me far and near?

How much of money'll keep me ever sane?
Or I'll find me among who've gone insane?
posted on 06-09-2008
Copyright ©®2008, Palas Kumar Ray. All rights reserved.

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