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Our Flag (Philippines)

Red, white an’ blue
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Symbol of sovereignty
Seal of authority
In war n’ peace
Overrides injustice
Prosper’ty booms
As if flower garden blooms

Red, white an’ blue
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Proud and brave
Overcome ocean waves
Against foreign aggression
And eminent invasion
Let all be gone
Exter-internal agon

Red, white an’ blue,
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Icon of mighty n’ power
As tall as d’ highest tower
Sturdy as stone pyramid
Withered d’ storm’s eyelid
Remains eminent mornin’ after
Victors of no banter

Red, white an’ blue,
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Geniuses for heroes,
Dies under bolos an’ arrows
Rebels thru pen an’ paper
Motherland in blooper
Executes nation’s sons
Sacred ground n’ crimson

Red, white an’ blue
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Fathers, mothers,
Sisters an’ brothers,
Looks up to azure sky
Pledges no more to shy
Vowed nev’r to be slaved
Soldiers nev’r to enslave

Red, white an’ blue
Three golden stars an’ a sun
Together we endure an’ cry
Ready to defend an’ die

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