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Yellow Badge of Courage

(A tribute to the late Pres. Cory Aquino

In ev’ry light post on an avenue
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
In ev’ry tree along the hi-way
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
In ev’ry edifice high or low
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
In ev’ry single family home
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
In ev’ry private or public vehicle
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
And in ev’ry soul rich or poor on the street
instead of an ol’ oak tree
as it used to be,
One could see a yellow ribbon
big and small tied around it.
symbol of someone returning
in one piece, in triumph but tragic
Comes latitudinarian woman
moxie to fight against tyranny and oppression

Unite Now! Victory is ours!
The obstreperous people power cry

Twenty six years after ubiquitous yellow ribbons
sprouted once more
only to bid farewell to her chanting people
a lasting adieu never to return
Quietus ol’ woman left a legacy
No one could ever forget in every one’s occiput
Keep the corvine neighbors away
Let peace and democracy flourish forever

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