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Two Hearts

The same heart-the same love
On the night you began
Meant everything-the closest thing
That your heart ever had
But dreams change-change your heart
And interfere with your plans
The same heart-the same love
Are now out of my hands
When two hearts drift away
You can hear the voices say
Tha the real diamond ring
Didnt ever really mean a thing
When two hearts drift away
A lonely voice begins to say
Theres no room for anyone
But youre thinking over what youve done
Well here you go-now youre free
Free to go where you please
But when youre free-all you hear
Is your lonely heart beat
When two hearts drift away
You can hear the voices say
Tha the real diamond ring
Didnt ever really mean a thing
When two hearts drift away
A lonely voice begins to say
Theres no room for anyone
But youre thinking over what youve done
When two hearts drift away
You can hear the voices say
Tha the real diamond ring
Didnt ever really mean a thing
When two hearts drift away
A lonely voice begins to say
Theres no room for anyone
But youre thinking over what youve done
The same heart-the same love
On the night you began
Meant everything-the closest thing
That your heart ever had

song performed by Cliff RichardReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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